Feel bored sitting at home? Here is my pick of the top 5 magic tricks of all time that will surprise you and amuse you. Are you ready?
Get your favorite ice cream or popcorn, sit back, relax, and keep reading.
David Copperfield’s Trick with the Statue of Liberty
This is one of the well-known tricks performed by David Copperfield. It happened in 1983. There was a huge audience watching the show. There was a special helicopter that was in charge of projecting the light into the Statue of Liberty as it happened in the evening. There were projectors that surrounded the Statue of Liberty in a circle.
Everybody was very excited once David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear for a short period of time. They couldn’t believe their eyes. Their astonishment was raised as high as the temperature in the Sahara desert during the day.
Did he actually make it disappear? Or was it a well-hidden illusion performed by David Copperfield? That’s the question that needs a thorough investigation.
Meanwhile, let’s move to the second trick on the list.
Penn & Teller Caught Bullets in Front of the Audience
This trick performed by Penn & Teller wowed thousands of people when they saw it. They pointed the gun at each other in turn and shot bullets in their mouths. Catching bullets was a spectacular show that Penn & Teller performed multiple times. Was it an illusion? Who knows.
To prove they did this for real, Penn & Teller used to ask someone from the audience to shoot at them as well. Sounds crazy, right?
People that saw this trick were definitely very excited and wowed. Wouldn’t you be wowed if you saw it?
Harry Houdini and His Most Famous Trick with Water
Harry Houdini is considered one of the most famous illusionists ever. He made a lot of trucks that wowed a lot of people. However, the most exciting one is related to the notorious Chinse water torture.
This trick is also called “Houdini Upside Down”. He was hung upside down and put into the water. Harry Houdini managed to survive and wow the audience multiple times using this extremely dangerous trick.
Harry Houdini also performed a lot of other tricks in his career like Straight Jacket Escape, Buried Alive Stunt, Rope Escape, Belly of a Whale Escape, The Overboard Box Escape, the Vanishing Elephant, etc.
Tom Mullica and His Smoking Trick
If you’d like to entertain yourself a bit, you can google the name of this trick and watch a video of Tom Mullica performing it.
He cuts jokes here and there, offers the card deck to a woman, and she marks the card with a pen. Then he asks her to say the number from 1 to 52. She says the number and then her marked card comes as the exact number she says in the deck.
While performing this trick with cards Tom Mullica manages also to do various weird things with cigarettes. It makes the audience laugh a lot. He gets a few cigarettes into his mouth, lights up new cigarettes, rotates back the cigarettes from his mouth and they are still lit up. Tom Mullica also makes the cigarette smoke come out of his ears, which is weird and funny at the same time.
Feel intrigued with Tom Mullica and his smoking tricks? Google it and check the video.
Dynamo’s Trick of Walking on Water
All the magicians described above were great illusionists of the past. What about modern magicians? I’ve got something special for you here. Let’s talk about Dynamo.
He is one of the most recognized modern magicians around the world now. In 2011, he performed a great trick of walking on water in front of hundreds of Londoners. He came to the bank of the River Themes, took a look around and slowly started walking… on water!
Londoners were so amazed and wowed that they started to record videos on their mobiles. Dynamo was walking on water of the River Themes for around 5 or 10 minutes. Some boats were passing by. Finally, the police boat approached Dynamo. And one of the policemen got him on board the police boat.